
Thank Your for purchasing the First Affiliate Sale Course

Here are some important details to note:

    • The course is hosted on a platform called Selar. Which means you will need a Selar account to access it. If you don’t have an account, here’s a video walking you through on how to easily setup an account and access the course.

Here are some important details to note:

  • The course is hosted on a platform called Selar. Which means you will need a Selar account to access it. If you don’t have an account, here’s a video walking you through on how to easily setup an account.


  • You will receive an email from Selar with your course access link.
  • Because of the hosting on the platform, it may take a while before you receive access. But it will not take more than 12 hours

You can Join our First Affiliate Sale community  on Telegram and start your money-making journey today  –

For any complaints, please send an email to fivestarmarketingsystems@gmail.com